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Compare Life Insurance Quotes

Licensed Life Insurance Agent/Marketing Manager
April 06, 2020

Looking to compare life insurance quotes from dozens of the top life insurance companies?  You’ve come to the right place!

Our life insurance quoter is designed to instantly provide you with up to date life insurance quotes from dozens of highly-rated life insurance companies.

Which will make comparing life insurance quotes super fast and easy.

As with any online life insurance quote engine, you’re going to need to determine which life insurance health class you should select before you’ll be able to accurately compare life insurance quotes from different life insurance companies.

What you need to know when comparing life insurance quotes

Let’s assume that you have a pretty good idea what rate class you should qualify for, and you are now ready to begin comparing quotes from various companies.

In addition to knowing which rate class you’ll most likely qualify for, you’re also going to want to know which life insurance company is best for you.

Because each insurance company has its own guidelines, it quite possible that based on your unique situation, there may be only one or two different life insurance companies that will be the best one for you.

You might be in great health, but not realize that insurance companies are also going to factor in things such as your family's medical history and any dangerous hobbies you have. There are so many factors that could determine how much life insurance will cost.

This is why it’s so hard to simply compare life insurance quotes from an online quoter without help from an expert.

How do I know my health class?

Which of the 16 different health rate classes out there, ranging from Preferred plus all the way to Table Rated J, do you think you’ll qualify for?

Now we’ve written an article that focuses on how one goes about determining one’s rate class.

But what you’re generally going to find is that there isn't an exact science when determining your rate class and they can vary by company.

While this can be a very in-depth and complicated process on the side of the life insurance company, we are going to share some general information about the health class in the quoter so you can get the most accurate quote.

In general, they can be roughly defined as follows:

  • Preferred Plus: these have the lowest rates. People in this category are typically fit and in great health, with no family history of diseases. They also don't have dangerous jobs or participate in dangerous hobbies such as skydiving. 
  • Preferred: These people are in pretty good shape. Someone in this category is in overall good health and just may have a smaller health concern such as slightly elevated blood pressure. This group also tends to have no family history of diseases. This group with get the second lowest rates. 
  • Standard Plus: This group doesn't have any major health concerns, but may have one thing that is higher than it should be such as weight. Family history is likely still pretty good in this category as well. These people can expect to get a better than average rate. 
  • Standard: This group tends to have a few troubled spots with their health combined with a family history of diseases. However, they are typically still seen as in average health and therefore get an average rate. 
  • Substandard: This includes people who aren't in good health and typically have pre-existing conditions. You can expect this policy to be much more expensive than those in average health or above. 


As you can see, when it comes time to comparing life insurance quotes, see a price is a good start, but it is only half the battle. To learn more about life insurance quotes visit our life insurance quotes article.

While we hope that having access to dozens of different insurance companies quotes has helped you begin the process of comparing life insurance quotes, we also hope that we’ve shed light on just how difficult it can be to compare without knowing all of the processes that will ultimately come into play!

Written by
Chelsie Ball
Chelsie is fixated on developing innovative ways to present complex ideas and maneuvering people to the information they need. She has worked in digital marketing for the past eight years and has been a licensed life insurance agent since 2010. When she isn’t looking out for the user, you can find her watching Netflix or desperately trying to find a real hobby.