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Life Insurance and Fibromyalgia

Licensed Life Insurance Agent/Marketing Manager
April 02, 2020

If you have fibromyalgia and are looking to purchase life insurance you may have questions regarding your eligibility for life insurance. 

It is important to know your options and know that some life insurance companies will be better for you to obtain coverage than others. 

In this article we will answer the following questions about life insurance with fibromyalgia:

  1. Can I get life insurance if I have fibromyalgia?
  2. What will life insurance cost someone with fibromyalgia?
  3. What is the process of applying for life insurance?
  4. What do I do if I have been denied coverage due to fibromyalgia?

Can I get life insurance with fibromyalgia?

The short answer is yes. 

However, the life insurance company will most likely want to ask you more about your fibromyalgia. They are looking to get more details about your unique condition and see how it affects your life. You can expect questions similar to the following:

  • When were you diagnosed
  • How much discomfort or pain you are in
  • What medications you take
  • Your ability to do activities of daily living (ADLs)

If you have more severe fibromyalgia, your options will likely be limited. You may want to consider a guaranteed issue life insurance policy. This policy won't consider any health information and as long as you are in a qualified age bracket and applying for the approved amount of coverage you can obtain life insurance. It is important to note that while this coverage is easier to get, it is also generally a much lower coverage amount than you could get with a more traditional life insurance policy. 

How much does life insurance cost with fibromyalgia?

As mentioned previously the severity of your fibromyalgia could make a difference in the type of policy you can get, and it can also make a affect the amount you will pay for a life insurance policy. Typically if you have more severe fibromyalgia you can expect to pay more for a policy than those with mild to moderate fibromyalgia.

Life insurance companies consider other factors when determining your rate as well such as age, gender, lifestyle, etc. Your rate is determined by the insurance company and how they categorize fibromyalgia can vary. This makes it important to shop around so you can find the best rates for your needs.

The type of life insurance policy you choose can also affect how much you will pay. For example, a term life insurance policy is the cheapest option, but it is only active for a certain period of time, which may not meet your needs.

The amount of coverage you are looking to get can also affect your rate. The more coverage you want, the more expensive your policy will be.

What is the process to apply for life insurance?

We already talked about the process to get coverage with a guaranteed issue policy, however, if you have more mild fibromyalgia you may want to consider a more traditional life insurance policy with full underwriting or a no exam policy. 

Fully underwritten is part of a traditional life policy and you can expect a more in-depth process. A traditional life insurance policy requires a life insurance medical exam. The examiner typically comes to your home and checks your height and weight and takes a small blood and/or urine sample. The life insurance company will also get a copy of your medical records and a list of your current and previous prescriptions. They use all of your health information combined with your application to determine whether you qualify for life insurance and how much you will pay. 

If you are concerned about the blood work, then the no exam life insurance policy could be the right option for you. This policy doesn't require a medical exam, but it usually requires you to fill out a health questionnaire. The questionnaire and application will both be considered to determine your eligibility and cost of a policy. 

What do I do if I have been denied life insurance coverage?

If you have been denied from one life insurance company due to fibromyalgia, don't worry! You still have options. As mentioned above the views of different companies can vary. Just because you are denied by one company, doesn't necessarily mean you would be declined by another. 

You can submit an application with a different company. Knowing the right company can be a big part of the approval process. If you aren't sure which company is right for you give us a call. A life insurance agent can help guide you to the right company and policy so that you can obtain coverage. 

Written by
Chelsie Ball
Chelsie is fixated on developing innovative ways to present complex ideas and maneuvering people to the information they need. She has worked in digital marketing for the past eight years and has been a licensed life insurance agent since 2010. When she isn’t looking out for the user, you can find her watching Netflix or desperately trying to find a real hobby.