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Category: Feature

Our findings, correlations, and fun facts. Doctor-patient confidentiality laws: we all know they exist, and they carry steep penalties if
We’re a few weeks into 2020—how are your New Year’s resolutions coming? We won’t judge you if it’s been hard
In the era of the car, where everyone competes for the closest parking spots to avoid a longer trek, where
Drug overdose has become a dangerous and deadly problem across the United States. Since 1999, overdose deaths increased from 6.1
There are three topics you’re not supposed to discuss in polite conversation: religion, politics, and money. Luckily, this isn’t a
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 72% of 2018 college grads with bachelor’s degrees were employed by October of
Of all the conditions endured by humanity, nothing puts us at dis-ease like disease. Thinking about it, worrying about it,